Brachioplasty or Arm Lift in Costa Rica


Arms tissues relax and decrease with age cause by the gravitationally forces and weight loss. The fall of the skin is due to the loss of fat medium. The loose skin can result in a deformity from the armpit to the elbow.


There are varying degrees of deformity of ptosis (drooping). The arms lipectomy can remove excess tissue and reduce the circumference of the upper arm. Surgical correction depends on the amount of extra skin and who loose are the supporting tissues. The extra skin is removed through incisions along the inner arm. The incision should be placed at the site where the tissue may tighten better.

The most common incisions extended from the elbow to the armpit. This allows the removal of excess skin placed in the middle. It may be necessary to make an amendment to limit the incision scar contracture in the axilla.

In cases where very little extra skin, the incision can be hidden in the armpit. This can hold the tissue in some cases, but not a good choice when there is excess skin.

Combined excision may limit the length of the scar between the elbow and armpit. In some cases when there is loose skin on the side of the chest, the incision can be extended to remove that extra tissue.

Before surgery the doctor will mark the spot at which to perform the excision. The incision will be done on curved or zigzag to minimize scar contracture. Liposuction may be useful for contouring the fat layer. They may place a small drain after surgery to remove fluid. You must use a vest or compression garment to minimize the formation of seromas or hematomas, for at least three weeks. Micropore ® should be used for no rubbing or friction points directly to the wound with dressing while protecting the wound.


Every surgical procedure involves a certain degree of risk. Although most patients do not experience complications, it is important to understand the risks, potential complications and consequences of arm lift surgery.

Bleeding: Although this is very rare, some patients may experience bleeding problems during or after surgery. Accumulations of blood under the skin may delay healing and cause scarring. Should post-operative bleeding occur, it may require emergency treatment to drain accumulated blood. In extreme cases, a blood transfusion may be necessary.
Medical conditions such as hypertension can cause bleeding during or after surgery. A physical examination is necessary before surgery to be able to program. Patients also are advised not to take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medications for ten days before surgery, as this contributes to an increased risk of bleeding. Infection: Infection is unusual after an arm lift, and prophylactic antibiotics are used to avoid this complication. Should an infection occur, additional treatment including antibiotics or surgery may be needed.

Infection: Infection is unusual after an arm lift, and prophylactic antibiotics are used to avoid this complication. Should an infection occur, additional treatment including antibiotics or surgery may be needed.

Scars: Scar different people in different ways. While most patients are cured very well, abnormal scars may occur in individuals who have a genetic predisposition for it. Scars may be unattractive and of a different color than surrounding skin. Additional treatments are available for scar treatment, if necessary. Given the level of the incisions, the visibility of scars is a major concern. It is a choice between hanging skin and scar caused by the surgery. Meticulous surgical technique and postoperative good care can limit the degree of scarring. The used clothing can help camouflage the scar, but no help with skin hanging there before surgery.

Delayed healing: Some of the areas around the incision may not heal normally or may take longer to heal. In rare cases, some areas of skin may die. If this happens, surgery may be necessary to remove the scar tissue.

Asymmetry: The human body is normally asymmetrical. May be a slight variation from one side to another in the results obtained from an arm elevation procedure.

Nerve injury: In rare cases, motor or sensory nerves may be injured during surgery arm lift. Nerve damage can cause temporary or permanent loss of motion and decreased sensitivity of the skin.
This surgery is not recommended after a mastectomy or operations in the lymph nodes under the arms. Those with multiple infections of the sweat glands are not candidates for arm lift surgery, that because the drainage of the arm is altered and surgery could lead to permanent swelling of the arm.

This surgery is ambulatory and can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. The type of anesthesia will depend on the extent of the operation; however, many patients feel more comfortable performing it under general anesthesia.

Post-operative Care 
The recovery takes one to two weeks depending on the work being performed. Returning to work will depend on the activity being performed, but generally, you can return within two weeks. It is necessary to protect the wounds after surgery. It is important not to lift objects as possible. You can raise your arms through pillows, this will give comfort. It may take up to 6 months or more to see how the scars evolve.